About The Campaign
Spitting is now a punishable offence in India, and we are an active player in this intervention. Our petition and open letter to the Prime Minister pushed for a law to bring this into the national spotlight in the light Covid-19 and we succeeded. Now with the law as deterrent, we continue the movement with a focus on spreading awareness and need your involvement.
The Covid-19 crisis could be a turning point for India and we’d like you to be a part of this change. Here’s how you can #BeTheChange instead of waiting for the change to happen:
Please TAKE OUR SURVEY on Spitting in public places – it will take around 3 minutes. The input we receive will help us shape the campaign for greater effectiveness.
Click here to take the survey.
Make your spaces cleaner and safer with just 10 minutes effort. Print and display our NO SPITTING PLEASE signs on your premises. These have been specifically worded to clearly make the link between spitting and the spread of the coronavirus, so that those who spit are more likely to stop. Open files are shared as well, so you can adapt them as needed, adding in your logo, the fine amount, etc. CLICK HERE to access the complete set of signs, both multilingual that work across the country and Karnataka-specific signs with BBMP logo.
Create awareness: start at home! Talk to those in your home who may spit and explain to them why this is important.
Have conversations to create awareness among staff, maids, drivers or anyone you see spitting, by patiently explaining why they must stop spitting (wearing a mask won’t keep them safe if they spit, as many are doing)
Remember that this is a habit that has been prevalent for many years, so be patient and polite with everyone you engage with – but it is important to have these conversations to bring about the change.